2005年イタリアのミラノ、ピアチェンツァ等にて、2006年スイスのチューリッヒにて演奏、海外でも高い評価を得る。2009年マイスター・ミュージックよりファースト・アルバム「シシリエンヌ・ヴァリエ」をリリース。2012年、14年ウィンナー・ワルツ・オーケストラと共演、本場の奏者から高い評価を得る。2014年セカンド・アルバム「ハープで奏でる映画音楽〜ベラ・ノッテ」をリリース。iTunes、Apple Musicでの世界配信もスタート。2016年5月12月にフルートの山形由美と共演。

Kana’s English Profile
Kana Matsumoto began studying the Irish harp at age 9 and the Grand Harp at age 12. She placed 5th in The 6th Nippon Harp Competition Advanced division in 1994. She graduated at the Musashino Academia Musicae in Tokyo, Japan and be selected to the Graduate’s Concert. She made her first appearance in the Newcomer Harp Debut Concert at the Eolian hall and passed the audition for playing the 2nd Hibiki Concert suponsored by Japan-Austria Cultural Association in 1995.
She had taken harp lessons from Kaoru Nakayama who has studied at Paris Conservator for 12 years. She amassed musical techniques and has sharpened her skills as a harpist for 6 years until the year 1998.
She started solo and chamber concerts in Tokyo and several key cities from 1996 and joined many players,flutists,oboenists,clarinet players,violinists and cellists. She takes a proactive part in her international events, such as Focus on Youth in The Sixth World Harp Congress in Tacoma/Seattle in USA in 1996, and several concerts in Milano, Piacenza and Belveglio in Italy in 2005, Zurich in Switzerland in 2006. She has released her 1st Album “Sicilienne Variée” in 2009.She played the harp in Vienna Walzer Orchestra Japan Tour in 2012 and 2014.She has released her 2nd Album “Bella Notte” in 2014.It’s 1st Album in iTunes and Apple Music.